Hi, I'm so happy to found this forum..
I'm desperate looking for help everywhere..
So here is the problem. I have 2 suggies, the 1st one is already 1.5 yrs old and the 2nd one I got about 4 months ago.
I put them in one cages and seems they got into fight
My first female suggie is injured (the another one is male) at the front left leg, back left leg, and at the tail..
I separated them for 1 week and the injuries did not go away, She is paralyzed and swollen.
Anybody have the same problem as me?
If you do so, maybe you can message me.
I'm very sad that she got paralyzed, she cant move lively anymore
NB : In my country sugar glider's are very rare and there's almost no vet, well there's a vet but they're very very inexperienced. Last time my bunny died after the vet gave it a shot..I definitely got to cure her by myself, and so with my other pet..what to do to reduce the swelling and what to give her for food?
Looking forward for your answers guys ( I am not able to post a link yet) but I have a picture if you'd like to see.
(Edited to make it easier to read and fix errors).